The University of Alabama, Birmingham recently received a $29 million grant from the National Cancer Institute. The new funding will help support six research programs at the Comprehensive Cancer Center. This center houses 242 members from 30 departments who have received over $90 million in funding. Learn more about the new grant here:
(Image Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons and Lee Adlaf)
Other Recent Funding Projects at the University of Alabama:
- 10 new cancer projects through the Alabama Drug Discover Alliance
- Creation of the HudsomAlpha Institute for Biotechnology Consortium
- The dedicated Phase I Clinical Trails program
Funding awards like the new Cancer Center are are constantly being awarded to the University of Alabama which spent over $396 million last year on life science research.

(Image Courtesy of Biotechnology Calendar, Inc.)
Attending the life science product show in Birmingham will allow vendors to showcase their products to Alabama’s largest research market.
University of Alabama, Birmingham BioResearch Product Faire™ - 11/9/16
Exhibitor Experiences at the BioResearch Product Faire™ Event at the University of Alabama in 2015:
I was very pleased with the attendance and interest level of the participants at the UAB show. I felt I was able to get above average levels of quality leads and new customer interactions when compared to other shows. I even gave out all of my brochures for five product lines!" - M. K., Exhibitor, University of Alabama BCI event
Excellent attendance from all across campus! Hope to be able to attend more of your shows. Again, thank you." - Exhibitor, University of Alabama BCI event
Read more testimonials here:

(Image courtesy of Biotechnology Calendar, Inc.)