Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

Scientific Research - Resuscitation Science Symposium

Posted on Oct 30, 2012 3:31:00 PM

Scientific Sessions and ReSS - Resuscitation Science Symposium

Symposium - Los Angeles, Calif, CA, United States

Scientific Sessions and ReSS

Leading Discovery. Global Impact.

The Los Angeles spotlight is shining brightly on the latest scientific research, thanks to the American Heart Association's award-winning scientific Sessions meeting. Join your colleagues in Southern California for the best scientific presentations, late-breaking clinical trials, continuing education credits, professional networking opportunities and more.


(Courtesy of

Sat, Nov 03, 2012 - Wed, Nov 04, 2012

Los Angeles Convention Ctr.
Los Angeles, Calif, CA, US

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Tags: CA, science current events, November, 2012, Los Angeles, scientific research, US, Symposium, Life Sciences, Genetics

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