Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

Modeling Infectious Disease in the Mouse: Challenges & Innovations - Webinar

Posted on Nov 1, 2013 2:48:00 AM

Modeling Infectious Disease in the Mouse: Challenges and Innovations

Webinar - Bar Harbor, ME, United States

This webinar will explain how JAX inbred mouse strains can be used to model infection, treatment and prevention of human infectious diseases.  Please join us as we discuss the contributions of immunocompetent mice to infection research, with topics that include:

How to develop tuberculosis, anthrax, salmonella and influenza models in BALB/cJ, C57BL/6J, and other inbred strains

The promising future for vaccine development using inbred models

The benefits and limitations of immunodeficient versus immunocompetent disease models

Why genetically stabilized mouse strains from highest health status facilities ensure reproducibility and durability of results

How to use the Mouse Phenome Database to compare susceptibility of different JAX strains to infection

Presenter: Andrew Schile Ph.D., Technical Information Scientist
Moderator: Dolores Garcia-Arocena, Ph.D., Technical Information Scientist


(Courtesy of Lightmatter lab mice, via

For more information, please visit:

Thursday, November 14, 2013 (8:00:00 PM EET - 9:00:00 PM EET)


The Jackson Laboratory, Bar Harbor, Maine, US

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Tags: 2013, November, research mice, Research Webinars, US, ME, Bar Harbor, Maine, Seminar, Research, laboratory, Mice, lab research, Life Science, research laboratories

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