Life Science Company and Industry News Briefs

Oregon Bioresearch Product Faire™ Events: 4 Exhibit Spaces Left

Posted by BCI Staff on Thu, May 09, 2013

For lab suppliers intent on connecting with the top research markets in their North West Territories, take note: there are only four spaces left at two or our three  events at the fall 2013 Oregon life science product shows.

Oregon life science research eventIf you would like to reach this 772 million market place and meet face to face with the leading researchers at these institutions you may want to reserve space now.

OHSU Lab research buildingYou can exhibit and promote your products at these university markets to drive sales revenue for you and your company; by educating your customer about your products, product specials, and product specifics.

See exhibitor specials pages below:



Oregon laboratory showPlease connect with our life science market consultants at Biotechnology Calendar, Inc. if you would like to reserve one of these remaining Oregon life science marketing spaces for your company's lab product marketing outreach.  If you'd like to enter to win a free exhibit space at one of Biotechnology Calendar, Inc.'s  life science marketing events, please click below.


life science marketing and sales in Oregon

Tags: 2013, Oregon State University, Oregon Health Sciences University, UOr, University of Oregon, Oregon, OHSU, ORSTU

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