Life Science Company and Industry News Briefs

University of Illinois, Chicago Trade Show Event

Posted by Amanda Long on Wed, Mar 27, 2013

Originally founded in 1982, the University of Illinois, Chicago is now one of the top 200 research funded institutes in the world, and home to the largest medical school in the nation. UIC is proud to serve as the primary educational institute for the state's physicians, dentists, pharmacists and nurses. The university has been internationally recognized in many areas, including:

  • Alternative, complementary and traditional medicine
  • Biotechnology and biodefense
  • Cancer biology and therapeutics
  • Drug discovery, development and delivery
  • Genomics and pharmacogenomics
  • Infectious diseases
  • Natural products
  • Neuroscience
  • Patient safety
  • Pharmacoeconomics









(Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons and Adam Jones, Ph.D.)








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       (Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons and Hied5)









In the fiscal year 2012, University of Illinois, Chicago received approximately $330 million for its research programs. Also in 2012, the National Institute of Health awarded the university $129.3 million; while the National Science Foundation granted the UIC $15.4 million. In total, the university had $412 million in overrall research expenditures.

2012 NIH Funding by research department is shown below:

Screen shot 2013 03 25 at 3.35.28 PM

The National Science Foundation ranked the University of Illinois, Chicago 48th out of more than 650 universities that receives federal research funding; and is one of the 96 institutes which received the highest possible research classification by the Carnegie Foundation

Both researchers and lab suppliers can benefit from attending the upcoming Biotechnology Calendar, Inc. BioResearch Product Faire™, at the University of Illinois, Chicago campus on May 2nd. At this event in 2012, more than 400 life science professionals from the Chicago area participated to see the newest lab equipment, products, and services on the market. 


Exhibitors from the show were asked to complete a brief survey, and based on responses to these surveys we see that, on average:

  • Each exhibitor table had an average 80 visitors
  • Of these visitors, each exhibitor had an average of 16 excellent leads
  • Exhibitors at this event reported an average product value of $2,670

By attending Biotechnology Calendar's Life Science trade shows, researchers are able to gain knowledge about new techniques and supplies available for their lab projects. Exhibitors demonstrating their products get corporate branding, visibility, face-to-face time with university scientists, and the opportunity to grow their local lab product business.

Here are the 2012 Event attendees, displayed by titles:

Screen shot 2013 03 26 at 1.17.09 PMThe most active, participating departments at the 2012 event were:

Biotechnology Calendar, Inc. is inviting life science researchers and exhibitors to participate in this event. We will be hosting our 14th Annual Chicago BioResearch Product Faire™ Event on Thursday, May 2, 2013, located at the University of Illinois, Chicago Campus. 

Get more building, department, show, and funding statistics about our upcoming UIC event here:


exhibitor                                         researcher 

Tags: 2013, BioResearch Trade Show, University of Illinois Chicago, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, UIUrbana, UIChgo

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