Life Science Company and Industry News Briefs

Oregon Laboratory Events and Space Availability

Posted by Sam Asher (Guest) on Wed, Aug 22, 2012

This fall, Biotechnology Calendar has a large selection the BioResearch Product Faire™ and Front Line™ Events in Oregon. We'll be in Oregon for three shows in the course of three days. Here are the details:
University of Oregon, Eugene on 9/11/12, 4 Spaces Left
Oregon State University, Corvallis on 9/12/12.
Oregon Health and Science University on 9/13/12, 3 Spaces Left.

Together these universities attract close to a $1 Billion in research funding. Exhibiting is a great way to establish long-term connections on-campus.


Researchers from Oregon schools have been making headlines recently. At the University of Oregon, a research team led by a pair of chemistry professors won first prize in a program funded by the National Science Foundation. The program's goal was to develop innovative and marketable ideas to release to the private sector. To see what the team submitted and to learn more about the program, read the Oregon Research article.

At the Oregon Health and Science University, the NIH has awarded a grant of $245k for research that is being conducted regarding two new drugs. The study tests the effectiveness of Amiodarone and Lidocaine in regards to cardiac arrest patients. To read more about the research and the grant, see our Science Market Update article.

Do you want to reserve one of the few remaining spaces at any (or all) of our Oregon shows? You can order online here.


Tags: Oregon State University, Oregon Health Sciences University, UOr, University of Oregon, Oregon, 2012, OHSU, ORSTU

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