Science Market Update

UMass, Amherst Opens $150 Million Institute for Applied Life Sciences

Posted by Rebecca Partridge on Tue, Mar 21, 2017

The Institute for Applied Life Sciences (IALS) at University of Massachusetts, Amherst is now fully operational and open for use by UMass faculty researchers as well as its industry and academic partners.

life science institute at UMAss

(Image Courtesy of University of Massachusetts, Amherst)

The institute was first established in 2014 through a $95 million grant from the Massachusetts Life Sciences Center (MLSC). Mass invested an additional $55 million in toward the construction and fit-out of the Life Sciences Laboratories building. This building is designed for interdisciplinary research, student training and large-equipment facilities. IALS also fosters spin-out companies and seeks to become a catalyst for a biotechnology hub in Western Massachusetts.

To date more than $20 million in IALS-related sponsored research awards have been secured. This funding will support more than 30 projects associated with industry collaborators. To support these research projects IALS manages 30 core facilities.

Core Equipment Facilities include:

  • Atomic Force Microscopy
  • Cell Culture
  • Device Fabrication Cleanroom
  • Genomics Resource Laboratory
  • Human Testing Center
  • Nanofabrication Cleanroom
  • Nuclear Magnetic Resonance

The investment in state-of-the-art equipment will be critical to fulfilling the IALS's translational mission: to turn life science research into products that improve human health

At the opening ceremony, Ben Bradford, director of regional development strategy for the Massachusetts Life Sciences Center (MLSC) said, “As Boston, Massachusetts and the world find out what we have here in Amherst, IALS’ stature will grow in life science research and accomplishment.”

 IALS Director, Peter Reinhart, Ph.D, said he believes “IALS will be one of the instruments that makes life science advancement west of the 495 corridor real.”

 In an article in for the UMass Amherst News and Media Relations, he said the institute aims to create new models of collaboration between university researchers and life science companies so that IALS becomes “the partner of choice” for them, with a focus on applied outcomes, a team approach to research and a pledge to rapid and easy technology transfer processes that move new ideas and products forward as fast as possible.

As the name implies, the overall goal of Institute for Applied Life Science is to translate fundamental discoveries on campus into novel candidate medical devices, biomolecules, and delivery vehicles that benefit human health. IALS works with industry partners to combine the best academic innovation with a goal-directed focus on delivering commercially significant products, services, and technologies.

IALS combines the expertise of more than 175 faculty members associated with 5 schools and colleges and 28 departments. The Institute is organized as three centers:

  • Center for Bioactive Delivery seeks to deliver the right drug to the right place. This is achieved by creating novel delivery technologies for small and large molecules.
  • Models to Medicine Center will identify novel drug targets and therapeutic candidates by using new insights about molecular pathways implicated in cell health and disease.
  • Center for Personalized Health Monitoring seeks to be a world-leading research, partnership, and demonstration facility for accelerating the commercialization of low-cost, multi-function, wearable wireless sensor systems for personalized health care and biometric monitoring.

Laboratory Product Suppliers Meet Life Science Researchers at Upcoming UMass Event:


University of Massachusetts: $4M Grant for Plant Stem Cell Research

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The 3rd Annual BioResearch Product Faire™ at the University of Massachusetts will be held On Wednesday, July 12, 2017.  This annual life science trade show at UMass, Amherst  brings researchers face-to-face with laboratory equipment suppliers is hosted by Biotechnology Calendar, Inc.  

Life science professionals are invited to attend this event for free and will enjoy the opportunity to see the latest in lab supplies and technology. Click the button below for additional information and to pre-register.

Science product vendors interested in increasing their laboratory product sales are invited to display their products at this event. This is an excellent opportunity to meet face-to-face with life science researchers and educate them about your lab or chemical supply products. Call us at 530-272-6675 or click on the link below. 

UMass Event
click here
  laboratory product sales at UMass


Tags: University of Massachusetts Amherst, life sciece markets, Life Science, Amherst, UMASS, life science labs, life science institute

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