Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events
Tags: Forum, October, life science research, Life Sciences, Genomics, researchers, Life Science, Research Event, 2017, Current Science Meetings and Events, October 2017, Genome Integrity
Spotlight on Science Meetings, Conferences and Events brings you information on the following: Quantitative Imaging Workshop XIV: Lung Cancer, COPD and Cardiovascular Disease to be held on 10/02/17-10/03/17.
Since 2003, the Prevent Cancer Foundation® has convened a series of annual workshops focused on high-resolution CT imaging data for lung cancer, COPD and cardiovascular disease. The workshop provides a forum to exchange ideas on quantitative CT imaging for early disease management, as well as on policy and advocacy for responsible lung cancer, COPD and cardiovascular screening. The workshop emphasizes quality and consistency in screening.
This unique forum brings together leaders in lung cancer, COPD and cardiovascular disease early detection and treatment of early-stage disease, including:
- Academic and community-based oncologists
- Pulmonologists and radiologists
- Experts in photonics and software development
- Federal policymakers and regulators
- Patient advocates
- Pharmaceutical and medical imaging industries
- Medical physicists
Registration Fees:
Attendee (government, hospital, educational institution or non-profit employee) - FEE WAIVED, use promotion code "Lung001" to select this registration type.
Attendee (other) - $750
Tags: cardiovascular research, Cancer, Workshop, October, Imaging, life science research, Life Sciences, lung cancer, 2017, Current Science Meetings and Events, Cardiovascular Disease, October 2017, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Cardiology
Spotlight on Science Meetings, Conferences and Events brings you information on the following: Immunogenomics 2017 to be held on 10/02/17-10/04/17.
Immunogenomics is an annual conference hosted by the HudsonAlpha Institute of Biotechnology. This international event brings together leaders and researchers exploring the application of genomic technologies to understand the immune system and development of disease.
Tags: Immunology, Immune System, October, life science research, Life Sciences, Genomics, genomics research, 2017, Current Science Meetings and Events, October 2017
Spotlight on Science Meetings, Conferences and Events brings you information on the following: 16th Annual Workshop on the Pathology of Mouse Models for Human Disease to be held on 10/02/17-10/08/17.
This workshop provides a week of intensive training sessions in pathology and histopathology as well as didactic sessions in which particular disease areas and models will be discussed. Participants will have an opportunity to interact with a group of prominent mouse pathologists and geneticists from leading research institutions.
Topics and models to be covered include: nomenclature, basic mouse genetics, concepts of mouse model generation, approaches to working up mutant mice, role of pathologists at research institutions, systemic, hematopoietic, mammary, gynecologic, cutaneous, infectious and immune system pathology, embryology and cancer models.
Minimum qualification of M.D. or D.V.M. (or equivalent) is required.
Tags: October, Pathology, biology research, life science research, Life Sciences, Genetics, Bioreseach, 2017, Current Science Meetings and Events, Pathobiology, October 2017
Spotlight on Science Meetings, Conferences and Events brings you information on the following: Advancing Tissue Engineered Valves to Clinical Practice to be held on 10/01/17.
This symposium is a unique opportunity to bring leading investigators in the area of biological heart valve development together to discuss progress in the field and the future for valve regeneration.
Program Highlights
• Discuss Current Challenges With Aortic Valve Replacements
• Recognize Development of Alternative Valve Technologies
• Discuss Valve Engineering: Research for Translation
This program is intended for cardiologists, cardiothoracic surgeons, interventionalists, physicians, anesthesiologists, engineers, basic researchers, and other health care professionals interested in advancing valvular heart disease.
Tags: Tissue Development, cell biology, Symposium, October, life science research, Life Sciences, 2017, Current Science Meetings and Events, tissue biology, October 2017
Spotlight on Science Meetings, Conferences and Events brings you information on the following: Cell Symposium: Emerging and Re-emerging Viruses to be held on 10/01/17 - 10/03/17
Human pathogenic viruses are constantly emerging and re-emerging, as highlighted by the recent Ebola outbreak in West Africa and the ongoing Zika virus outbreak in the Americas. By focusing on a range of human pathogenic viruses, this meeting will center on understanding and establishing common principles to help combat current and future viral threats. Starting with basic host-virus biology, the meeting will aim to ask how basic research can inform our understanding of emerging and re-emerging viruses to help with surveillance as well as vaccine and drug development. The meeting will bring infectious-disease researchers of many stripes together with scientists interested in the host response to these viruses from immunological, cell-biological, and pharmacological perspectives.
Themes include:
- Genomics & Evolution
- Emergence and Surveillance
- Innate & Cellular Responses
- Antibody Responses
- Vaccines & Therapeutics
Tags: Virginia, cell biology, October, Arlington, life science research, Life Sciences, virus, 2017, Current Science Meetings and Events, Pathobiology, October 2017
Spotlight on Science Meetings, Conferences and Events brings you information on the following event: 18th International Conference on Biopsy & Bone Marrow Aspiration 2018
In cancer patients, Biopsies provide the histological explanation, of the disease and, currently, have revealed details of the genetic profile of the tumor enabling prediction of cancer progression and response to therapies. The role of CT-guided core biopsy has increased in the diagnosis of benign disease, cellular differentiation, and somatic mutation analysis. A fine-needle aspiration (FNA) biopsy is often used to take cell samples from organs or from lumps that are below the surface of the skin.
Being inherently unique, limited and non-renewable, after a limited number of analyses, small samples of tissue biopsies gets completely exhausted. A method has been introduced that enables fast and reproducible conversion of a small amount of tissue (approximating the quantity obtained by a biopsy) into a single, permanent digital file representing the mass spectrometry-measurable proteome of the sample. The method combines pressure cycling technology (PCT) and SWATH mass spectrometry (MS), and the resulting proteome maps can be analyzed, re-analyzed, compared and mined in silicon to detect and quantify specific proteins across multiple samples.
Read More
Tags: October, Current Science Meetings and Events, 2018, Science Meetings and Events, october 2018, Bone Marrow Aspiration, Biopsy
Spotlight on Science Meetings, Conferences and Events brings you information on the following event: 19th International Conference on Cataract and Refractive Surgery
Cataract 2018 and eye care is a package of useful and latest advancements by professional researchers, doctors and ophthalmologistsspecialized in cataract surgery and eye care methods to provide better vision. Conference is aimed at exploring and putting light on various ventures like advancements in clinical field of cataract surgery improvement, novel therapeutics, advancements in optometry and promoting eye care.
Read MoreTags: USA, Georgia, October, Atlanta, Cataracts, Current Science Meetings and Events, 2018, Science Meetings and Events, october 2018, Refractive Surgery
Spotlight on Science Meetings, Conferences and Events brings you information on the following event: Zoology and Microbiology 2017
Read MoreTags: Microbiology, animal science, September, October, 2017, Current Science Meetings and Events, Septeber 2017, Science Meetings and Events, October 2017, Applied Zoology
Spotlight on Science Meetings, Conferences and Events brings you information on the following event: 4th World Congress on Renewable Biorefineries
Read MoreTags: October, Korea, Seoul, Current Science Meetings and Events, 2018, Science Meetings and Events, October 2017, Renewable Biorefineries
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