Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events
Tags: Bioinformatics, Biology, India, October, 2015, Hyderabad, Life Sciences, Conference, Genomics, Genetics
Tags: August, India, Research India, 2015, Hyderabad, Life Sciences, Conference, Biotechnology, exhibition, biotech, Biotech current events
Tags: genetic engineering, Symposium, India, Research India, 2015, February, Hyderabad, Life Sciences, Biotechnology
Tags: 2014, Workshop, Developmental Biology, Development, India, Research India, December, Hyderabad, Life Science
Tags: 2014, November, Biotechnology Current Events, India, Research India, Pharmaceuticals, Hyderabad, Conference, Biotechnology, Life Science
Tags: 2014, Biotech Event, Chemistry, India, Research India, January, Hyderabad, Life Sciences, Conference, Biotechnology
Workshop - Hyderabad, India
Zebrafish is one of the most popular vertebrate model systems in today’s research.
Tags: 2013, Drug Discovery, August, India, Research India, Hyderabad, Life Sciences, Research
Conference - Hyderabad, India
The LASA has been striving to educate its members on the recent developments in the field of lab animal science.
Tags: 2013, Drug Discovery, animal research, vaccine research, veterinary medicine, animal science, India, Research India, February, Hyderabad, Life Sciences, Conference, Research, laboratory
Tags: 2013, Medical Research, Congress, India, Research India, January, Hyderabad, Life Sciences, current science events
Tags: November, Pharmacology, 2012, Congress, India, Research India, Hyderabad, Life Sciences, Research, current science events
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