Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

Symposium on "Genetic Engineering of Agricultural Crops and Livestock"

Posted on Jan 15, 2015 6:11:00 AM

Symposium - Hyderabad, India
We have been witnessing vast advancements in the field of genetic manipulation of crops and livestock species. Recent advances in methods enabling very precise editing of genomes of farm animals using ZFNs, TALENs and CRISPRs, have opened up the opportunities to introgress single alleles from the same or different species without leaving behind any marker genes used for genetic engineering. In plants, major advances have taken place in the fields of genomic resources, manipulation of gene expression and silencing, micro-RNAs and their control of gene expression and the possibility of targeted gene integration in the host genomes. We plan to bring together the scientists, academicians, policy makers on the same platform to discuss the status of the technologies and their social, ethical and regulatory implications through the symposium Genetic Engineering of Agricultural Crops and Livestock: Current Status and Social, Ethical and Regulatory Issues being held from 23rd to 25th February 2015.
Organization: ADNAT
Mon, Feb 23, 2015 - Wed, Feb 25, 2015
School of Life Scuences, University of Hyderabad
Hyderabad, India
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Tags: genetic engineering, Symposium, India, Research India, 2015, February, Hyderabad, Life Sciences, Biotechnology

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