Conference - Dublin, Ireland
GTC is proud to present the 8th Biomarkers in Drug Discovery and Development Conference to be held on October 9-10, 2014 in Dublin, Ireland!
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Conference - Dublin, Ireland
GTC is proud to present the 8th Biomarkers in Drug Discovery and Development Conference to be held on October 9-10, 2014 in Dublin, Ireland!
Tags: 2014, Drug Discovery, Biotechnology Current Events, Biology, Development, October, Dublin, Ireland, Biomarkers, Biotechnology
Conference - San Diego, CA, United States
This conference offers a unique mix of engaging sessions and topics focused on the research and drug discovery of male specific oncology.
Tags: 2014, CA, November, Drug Discovery, cancer research, Biotechnology Current Events, Cancer Treatment, United States, San Diego, Life Sciences, Conference, Biotechnology
Conference - Ballsbridge, Dublin, Ireland
GTCbio would like to invite you to attend our Biomarker Europe Summit 2014 on October 9th-10th in Dublin, Ireland.
Tags: 2014, Drug Discovery, Biotechnology Current Events, October, Dublin, Ireland, Summit, Biomarkers, Life Sciences, Conference, Biotechnology, biotech, Drug Development
Symposium - San Diego, CA, United States
The 28th Annual Symposium of The Protein Society will be a nexus for scientists from all disciplines, and at all stages of career development, who share a common research interest in protein structure, function, dynamics, design and their implications with regard to human health.
Tags: 2014, CA, Drug Discovery, Bioinformatics, Microbiology, cell biology, Pharmacology, Immunology, Biochemistry, July, United States, Systems Biology, Protein, Biological Chemistry, Symposium, Metabolism, Biophysics, Structural Biology, San Diego, Life Sciences, Biotechnology
Summit - Queenstown, New Zealand
The 10th Bioshares Biotech Summit joins life science companies from Australia and New Zealand with private and institutional investors from Australasia and the US.
Tags: 2014, Drug Discovery, July, Summit, New Zealand, Life Sciences, biotech, Biotech current events
Conference - Bloomingdale, IL, United States
While biotechnological advances, genomics and high throughput screenings or combinatorial and asymmetric syntheses have opened new vistas in drug discovery, the industry is facing a serious innovation deficit.
Tags: 2014, Drug Discovery, Pharmacology, Immunology, July, United States, Life Sciences, Conference, Genomics
Conference - Durham, NC, United States
The In Silico Drug Discovery Conference combines the best of cutting-edge industry approaches with recent academic research for in silico drug discovery.
Tags: 2014, Drug Discovery, Biotechnology Current Events, United States, Systems Biology, December, Structural Biology, Life Sciences, Conference, Biotechnology, Durham, NC
Conference - Boston, MA, United States
This year's conference will highlight the latest developments in the fields of drug repositioning, repurposing and rescue.
Tags: 2014, science current events, Drug Discovery, July, United States, Boston, Life Sciences, Conference, MA, Drug Development
Conference - Dublin, Ireland
We are excited to announce GTCbio’s 7th Imaging in Drug Discovery Conference, to be held October 7-8, 2014 in Dublin, Ireland.
Tags: 2014, Drug Discovery, Biotechnology Current Events, October, Imaging, Dublin, Ireland, Life Sciences, Conference, Biotechnology
Conference - London, United Kingdom
This meeting will focus on recent technologies used in high throughput bioprocess development, from clone selection through to analysis of final product and formulation.
Tags: 2014, June, Drug Discovery, United Kingdom, London, Research Meeting UK, Life Sciences, Conference
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