- Homeostasis in Bone Remodeling (Osteoporosis & Osteopetrosis)
Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events
- Homeostasis in Bone Remodeling (Osteoporosis & Osteopetrosis)
Tags: 2014, November, life science current events, Physiology, Research Conference, Suzhou, China
Tags: 2014, Molecular Cell Biology, Molecular Biology, Research Conference, Suzhou, October, life science research, China
Conference - Shanghai, China
The Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine and Renji Hospital in Shanghai join forces to bring you this must-attend Stem Cell Research Conference.
Tags: 2014, Stem cell research, cell biology, October, Shanghai, China, Life Sciences, Conference, Genetics
Conference - Suzhou, China
1. Single cell dynamics and cellular decision-making
2. Molecular & cellular network modeling
3. Quantitative omics
Tags: 2014, Suzhou, October, Computational Biology, China, Life Sciences, Conference
Conference - Suzhou, China
With this year´s conference on GTPases: Mechanisms, Interactions and Applications we will expand the scope of the 2012 conference on Small GTPases at Different Scales: Proteins, Membranes, Cells to heterotrimeric G-Proteins.
Tags: 2014, September, Molecular Cell Biology, Molecular Biology, Suzhou, China, Life Sciences
Conference - Shanghai, China
2014 event highlights will include:
•More than 150 decision makers in attendance
Tags: 2014, Biotechnology Current Events, September, clinical trials, Shanghai, China, Life Sciences, Biotechnology
Conference - Suzhou, China
In this meeting, we aim to bring together scientists addressing various neurobiological topics in diverse organisms (including but not limited to Aplysia, C. elegans, Drosophila, zebrafish, and mouse), to stimulate discussion among them and foster new collaborations, leading to a better understanding of conserved principles in neurobiology.
Tags: 2014, September, Suzhou, Neurobiology, Neuroscience, China, Life Sciences, Conference
Congress - Suzhou, China
In order to pay high attention to and analyze the main issues confronted by the development of gerontology and health industry in China, and promote the development of modern gerontology and elderly people’s health medical treatment as well as relevant industries in China,
Tags: 2014, Pharmacology, Congress, Medicine, September, Suzhou, Pharmaceuticals, China, Life Sciences
Conference, Exhibition - Shenzhen, China
In 2014, the 9th International Conference on Genomics (ICG-9) and the 3rd Shenzhen International Biotechnology Innovation Forum & Expo (SIBIFE-3) will join forces to stage one of the world's most influential and fruitful annual conferences for the genomics and life science industries.
Tags: 2014, September, Shenzhen, China, Life Sciences, Genomics, Biotechnology, exhibition, Biotech current events
Conference - Suzhou, China
The symposium is intended to bring together immunologists and scientists in related fields from around the world to an open forum, exchanging opinions and experiences on the latest findings and progresses.
Tags: 2014, Immunology, Immune System, Research Meeting, September, Suzhou, China, Life Sciences, Conference