Science Market Update

$11M in Life Science Research Funding goes to Fred Hutchinson

Posted by Jennifer Nieuwkerk on Mon, May 26, 2014

Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center recently received an $11 million life science research grant from the National Institutes of Health to fund the HIV Vaccine Trials Network. The organization within the NIH providing this latest round of life science funding is the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. Project leader Dr. Margaret Juliana McElrath is a professor of medicine at the University of Washington. Her research lab studies are focused on identifying and characterizing cellular immune responses that may help protect patients against HIV infection or disease.

This new life science research funding awarded to Dr. McElrath and her team of research lab scientists at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center will go a long way towards developing novel therapies and testing existing vaccines for patients with HIV or who are at risk of infection. The NIH Project Information page goes into more detail about how the life science research grant will be used to move the HIV Vaccine Trials Network forward:

“The HIV field is in a critical period to develop rapidly and evaluate immunogens that build upon findings from the RV144 regimen and to put forth rational new paradigms for protection. Over the past seven years, the HVTN Laboratory Program was a major leader and substantial contributor to understanding vaccine effects and immune correlates in the VaxGen, Step and RV144 efficacy trials. We raised the standards of immune monitoring in clinical trials, consistently providing high quality data in a GCLP setting using validated or standardized assays. When indicated, we rapidly shifted priorities, broadened collaborations and improved assays. Our Laboratory Center proposes to continue the performance of high quality, state-of-the-art laboratory research, which will accelerate the development of a safe and efficacious HIV vaccine. To accomplish this, we will execute protocol-related, validated endpoint laboratory assays and more comprehensive immunologic investigations to provide unambiguous measurements of vaccine immunogenicity.”


Dr. McElrath receives $11M life science research grant

Dr. McElrath

Image courtesy of University of Washington


HIV Vaccine Trials Network Goals:

  • Improve existing and create new technologies that prime the immune system
  • Determine vaccine efficacy and research immune correlates
  • Research vaccine-induced mucosal defense against HIV-1 invasion
  • Investigate immune responses and combination strategies with vaccines for HIV prevention
  • Fill gaps in development of vaccines for other global health concerns

In addition to receiving this latest life science research grant, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center received $199.1 million in life science research funding from the National Institutes of Health in 2013. That same year, the National Science Foundation awarded Fred Hutchinson $1.4 million.

Lab suppliers working to increase lab sales in Washington should look no further for life science marketing opportunities than Biotechnology Calendar, Inc.’s life science vendor shows. Our BioResearch Product Faire™ Event at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research will take place on August 19th, 2014.


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Biotechnology Calendar, Inc. is a full-service science research marketing and events-planning company that organizes life science vendor shows at top research institutions across the country. If you are interested in exhibiting at a life science vendor show closer to home, we encourage you to view our 2014 calendar of events. For more life science research funding information on Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, or to learn more about our Fred Hutchinson life science vendor show, click on the button below.


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Tags: 2014, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, WA, Northwest, new research funding, BioResearch Product Faire Event, Seattle, Hutch, new grant

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