Science Market Update

Gearing Up for UI Urbana-Champaign Event: Register Now

Posted by Katheryn Rein on Fri, Mar 07, 2014

Life science researchers and laboratory suppliers alike will want to take note of the networking opportunity coming to the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign campus on April 30th, 2014UI Urbana-Champaign Bioresearch Product Faire Event. This event will be the first of two Illinois shows hosted by Biotechnology Calendar Inc. for 2014, and we want you to join us this year.

Lab supply companies who exhibit at our shows consistently provide positive feedback from the shows that they attend.

Exhibitor ROI:

Drawing from a survey from last year's event at the Urbana-Champaign campus, companies reported the following statistics:

10 solid leads for a $5000 product,

10 good leads for a $8500 product

5 good leads for a $10,000 product, to name a few

The life sciences departments at UIUC are booming with funding and research, receiving nearly $70M in NIH grants in 2012. Some notable funding statistics include:

-$11.4M from the National Science Department in science research funding

-$25M for photosynthesis research in order to improve crop yields and address global food security

-$2.3M from the National Institutes of Health in 2012 for a quantitative stepwise analysis of RNA interference project.

Some of the most recently highlighted news at this campus can be found in the following links. These articles are provided by Biotechnology Calendar, Inc. as a free service for life science professionals through our Science Market Update resource.

Multi-Drug-Resistant Cancers at Urbana-Champaign

Urbana-Champaign Bioresearchers Invent Green Supercapacitor

UIUC Lab Work Shows "Bad" Cholesterol Can Be Healthy


UIUC_Event_LIfe_Sciences(A photo taken from last year's event at UIUC)

Lab supply companies truly get their money's worth when they exhibit at our shows; however, they aren't the only ones who benefit. The researchers who attend our shows have the opportunity to interact face-to-face with various lab supply companies from around the United States, and through these diverse companies can discover emerging technologies and equipment that can be used in their fields of research. Researchers also get the unique chance to compare products from different exhibiting companies all in one place, making our on-campus event the most convenient way to discover laboratory products.

Last year at UIUC, we had a total of 282 attendees, of which 53 were professors and post docs, 24 were lab managers, with the balance research associates and postgraduate students. The researchers came from nearly 30 different research buildings and 39 on campus departments. A researcher from UCLA sums up their experience very succinctly:

"Very well organized, catered, with good information. I attend these events regularly and would absolutely recommend this to my other colleagues. I appreciate the availability of vendors and the information they provided. I am a regular; I come every year. This event in comparison to other similar events is outstanding." - S. S., Researcher, UCLA

Interested in taking advantage of this quality life science opportunity? Consider attending the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign Bioresearch Product Faire Event on April 30th, but make sure to register early, spots are filling up fast! 


Register to Attend


Biotechnology Calendar, Inc. is a full-service science research marketing and events-planning company that organizes life science marketing events at top research institutions across the country. If you are interested in increasing your vendor show sales and research product sales at events in another region, we encourage you to view our 2014 calendar of events. For more information on the Urbana-Champaign BioResearch Product Faire™ Event, or to get Urbana-Champaign funding statistics, click on the button below.

Request Funding Stats
for UIUC

Tags: 2014, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, BioResearch Product Faire Event, IL, Illiniois

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