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Everything but the Experiment: Tips for Working with Diabetic Mice - Free Online Seminar

Posted on Jan 24, 2013 12:16:00 PM

Everything but the Experiment: Tips for Working with Diabetic Mice

Seminar - The Jackson Laboratory, Bar Harbor, Maine, US

Genetic alterations predispose mice to develop human-like diabetes phenotypes, but overlooking the environmental factors that influence those phenotypes can confound research results. Join us as we discuss

Ways to optimize housing conditions in your facility

Strategies for minimizing handling-induced stress

Research design tips for limiting data variability

Presenter: Brian Soper, Ph.D., Technical Information Scientist
Moderator: Kathy Snow, Ph.D., Technical Information Scientist


(Courtesy of a Laboratory mouse, via

Everything but the Experiment: Tips for Working with Diabetic

Thursday, January 31, 2013 (1pm EST)


The Jackson Laboratory, Bar Harbor, Maine, US

Contact: Amanda Hoel (

Phone: 207-288-6054

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Tags: 2013, research mice, Diabetes, US, Bar Harbor, Maine, Genetic, January, Seminar, Research, laboratory, Mice, Life Science, research laboratories

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