Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

Genome Assisted Biology of Crops and Model Plant Systems

Posted on Feb 26, 2014 4:18:00 PM

Genome Assisted Biology of Crops and Model Plant Systems

Conference - Suzhou, China

Recent years have witnessed enormous advances in our ability to apply genomics technologies to the study of non-model organisms. This conference will present recent breakthroughs in the use of genomics to understand the biology and productivity of plants. A broad range of topics will be united with a common theme of using basic biology to improve crop plant productivity and sustainability.

Major Topics:
- New genome sequences
- Epigenomics
- Plant environment interactions
- Metabolism
- Systems approaches
- Emerging model systems
- Crop plant architecture, breeding and yield

Organization: Cold Spring Harbor Asia


(Courtesy of Cold Spring Harbor Asia Conference Center at Dushu Lake Hotel in Suzhou, via

Genome Assisted Biology of Crops and Model Plant Systems

Mon, Apr 21, 2014 - Fri, Apr 25, 2014

Suzhou Industrial Park Conference Center

Suzhou, China

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Tags: 2014, genome research, Plant science, April, Biology, Suzhou, Metabolism, Genome, China, Life Sciences, Conference, Genomics

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