Washington BioResearch Product Faire™
Virtual Event: Wednesday, June 9, 2021
Attendance is free for science professionals.
Click on the button below on 06/09
from 10am - 3pm to enter virtual event
Enter Fred Hutchinson Virtual Event
Enter U Washington Virtual Event
Enter Washington State U Virtual Event
- Find new lab products
- Discover improved analytical equipment
- Learn about new research techniques
- Network with other researchers and outside science professionals
- Publish your work faster
WSU's Community Organizations for Natives: COVID-19 Epidemiology, Research, Testing and Services (CONCERTS) received $4.5M in 2020 from the NIH, to study the rate of COVID-19 infection among Native Americans and Native Alaskans, and the influence of socioeconomic factors on being tested, with the goal of increasing testing and addressing COVID-19 related health disparities.
2018 Total R&D Expenditures: $360.5M
2018 Life Science R&D Expenditures: $188.5M
2020 Total NIH funding: $41.7M
Exhibitors: If you are interested in marketing your life science solutions and increasing scientific product sales at life science marketing events closer to home, we encourage you to view our virtual events: