Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

Cell Symposium: Cell Death and Immunity


Symposium - Berkeley, United States

How the immune system responds to dying cells can be the difference between an effective, healing response and one that provokes or exacerbates pathology. Over the past few years, we have witnessed important advances in our understanding of different forms of cell death and their consequences to immunity.

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Tags: November, immunity, Biochemistry, scientific research, United States, Biological Chemistry, Symposium, 2015, Berkeley, Life Sciences, immune system research

Innate Immune Memory - Wellcome Trust Scientific Conference

Conference - Cambridge, United Kingdom
The innate immune system has recently been shown to be instrumental in directing the adaptive immune system to eradicate pathogens and tumours. 
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Tags: Immunology, United Kingdom, March, 2015, Life Sciences, Conference, Cambridge, scientific conference, immune system research

T cell flow cytometry – analyzing antigen-specific T cells extra- and intracellulary

Course - Bergisch Gladbach/Cologne, Germany
T cells play an essential role in the immune system, as they are responsible for initiation and regulation of immune responses to pathogens.
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Tags: 2014, flow cytometry, Immunology, Cell Research, germany, Cologne, December, research course, Life Science, immune system research

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