Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events
Tags: CA, 2013, Drug Discovery, Cancer, Immune System, United States, Summit, January, February, San Diego, Life Sciences, Research, current science events, biotech industry, biotech
Course - United States
Scientists, engineers, and technicians in research and development will find this course valuable, as will quality assurance (QA), information technology (IT), manufacturing, and other operations professionals.
Tags: 2012, Development, December, Life Sciences, Research, current science events, biotech industry, biotech
Tags: November, 2012, US, Life Sciences, Conference, San Antonio, biotech industry, biotech, Biotech current events, TX
Tags: November, Biotech Event, Biotechnology Current Events, 2012, germany, Hamburg, Life Sciences, Conference, Biotechnology, biotech industry
Tags: 2012, Development, Switzerland, October, Zurich, Biotechnology, current science event, current science events, biotech industry, biotech, Biotech current events, Life Science
Tags: Biotechnology Current Events, 2012, US, Development, October, Summit, Philadelphia, Life Sciences, Conference, Biotechnology, current science event, biotech industry, biotech, PA
Tags: Bioresearch, biofuels, Biotechnology Current Events, 2012, Canada, October, Summit, Vancouver, Life Sciences, Conference, Biotechnology, current science event, current science events, biotech industry
Tags: US, Development, Valley Forge, Life Sciences, Biotechnology, biotech industry, PA