Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

6th Annual SEE & CIS Clinical Trials Forum

Posted on Apr 8, 2013 2:05:00 AM

6th Annual SEE & CIS Clinical Trials Forum

Conference - Croatia

This forum is a special opportunity to discuss Key topics such as: identification of potentials and challenges for conducting trials understanding of legal and regulatory environment identification of potentials and challenges for outsourcing clinical trilas identifcation and improvements of motivational strategies.

At this conference you will:

- Explore and utilize the specific environment of SEE & CIS

- Evaluate the possibilities to conduct clinical trials in EU and non EU members

- Understand the legal and regulatory environmnet of the SEE & CIS

- Balance the in-house and outsourced trials

- Utilize social media in patient recruitment

- Optimize site performance and maximize the effectivnes in site management

- Embrace eClinical and new approaches in ElectronicData Capture

- Deploy strategies for effective logistics


(Courtesy of Zagreb-Croatia SEE & CIS Clinical Trials Forum, via

6th Annual SEE & CIS Clinical Trials Forum

Thursday, April 18, 2013 to April 19, 2013 (08.00 am)

Esplanade Zagreb, Mihanoviceva 1, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia

Contact: Andrea Weber (

 Phone: + 421 257 272 335

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Tags: 2013, April, pharmaceutical, clinical trials, Forum, Croatia, Zagreb, Conference, researchers, biotech industry, Biotech current events, innovative solutions, biotech solutions

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