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Microbial Genome Maintenance Meeting: Transformation & DNA Repair

Posted on Mar 22, 2013 5:00:00 AM

GMM4: 4th Microbial Genome Maintenance Meeting: Transformation and DNA Repair

Conference - Oslo, Norway

Biochemical, genetic, immunological and ultrastructural approaches are being used to probe the interactions between proteins of DNA transfer pathways and genome maintenance systems. These studies are expected to reveal a more integrated understanding of the architecture of the DNA transfer, recombination and maintenance machinery. The dynamics of genomic changes and genome maintenance/DNA repair affect the net outcome in terms of DNA sequence variability and conservation and can thereby influence microbial fitness for survival and virulence.

Understanding DNA repair and horizontal transfer mechanisms requires an interdisciplinary approach of molecular biology and bacterial physiology. Importantly, much can be learned by recognition of the structural and functional relations between systems for transformation and DNA repair. However, several new components specific for these processes are yet to be discovered and a more complete understanding of the entire DNA metabolism in bacterial organisms is required. The emergence of DNA sequence data for multiple microbial genomes has revealed marked evolutionary relatedness among genes involved in DNA repair and transformation but also interesting and important differences. In retrospect, such differences would be expected in view of the differences that exist in physiology, life cycles and environmebtal habitats between these various organisms. Characterisation of the components of the different systems and evaluation of the functional relationships is in rapid progress.

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(Courtesy of

GMM4: 4th Microbial Genome Maintenance Meeting: Transformation and DNA Repair

Fri, Apr 26, 2013 - Mon, Apr 29, 2013

University of Oslo and Oslo University Hospital, Oslo, Norway

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Tags: 2013, Microbiology, DNA Research, University Research, April, Research Meeting, Oslo, Norway, Life Sciences, Conference

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