Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

Innovations in Cardiovascular Interventions (ICI 2012)

Posted on Nov 26, 2012 6:32:00 AM

Innovations in Cardiovascular Interventions (ICI 2012)

Conference - Tel Aviv, Israel

The upcoming meeting will focus on innovative technology and therapies and will cover all stages of the innovation process from the bench to the patient bedside. The program will highlight numerous hot topics and will include presentations from international and Israeli experts focusing on new therapies and research at various levels of development, alongside thematic live case presentations to present the impact of these technologies on current and future therapy – with a special focus on the future of valvular interventions and the many innovations under investigation for treating cardiac valvular pathology using percutaneous techniques or combined surgical and interventional pathways.

 Sun, Dec 02, 2012 - Tue, Dec 04, 2012

David Intercontinental, Tel Aviv, Israel

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Tags: 2012, Research Meeting, Israel, Tel Aviv, December, Conference, Research, current technology events, innovative solutions

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