International Partnerships in Ice Core Sciences FIRST OPEN SCIENCE CONFERENCE
Conference - Côte d'Azur, France
The first Open Science Conference of the International Partnerships in Ice Core Sciences (IPICS) will be held from 1-5 October 2012 at the beautiful setting of the Belembra club, situated on the border of the Mediterranean Sea in one of the best spots of the French Côte d’Azur.
The objective of the conference is to present, discuss and put in perspective the most recent results coming of past and current ice core drilling projects (deep drillings such as EPICA, WAIS, NEEM, TALDICE,… but also shallow drillings) in Antarctica and Greenland. Other ice core drilling projects conducted in non-polar glaciers or in other Arctic sites are also welcome. The four IPICS white papers will structure the conference programme. Gathering mostly ice core scientists, the conference expects to also attract researchers working on other paleoclimate archives as well as paleoclimate modelers and glaciologists.
The conference format will favor informal discussions and networking, with an expected attendance of about 250 participants. Plenary lectures will alternate with poster sessions. The comfortable and isolated setting of the Belembra Club will favor friendly exchanges, and notably the contacts between senior/junior scientists and PhD students/postdocs.
A special issue in a scientific journal should accompany the conference event and provide you with an opportunity for publishing your science in an important journal for the ice core community.

(Courtesy of
Mon, Oct 01, 2012 - Fri, Oct 05, 2012
Presqu'île de Giens, Côte d'Azur, France
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