Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

Keystone Symposia: Exploiting & Understanding Chemical Biotransformations in the Human Microbiome

Posted on Apr 5, 2014 1:19:00 PM

(D1) Keystone Symposia: Exploiting and Understanding Chemical Biotransformations in the Human Microbiome

Conference - Big Sky, MO, United States

The conference will:
• Cover key topics and challenges such as resistance to therapeutics as a result of changes in the microbiome, host-microbial signaling mechanisms, and the consequences of microbial biotransformations and toxicity on health
and disease;
• Explore exciting new areas including the discovery of natural products from microorganisms, the potential for synthetic biology to engineer microbiomes, and computational approaches to understand microbial metabolism and biosynthesis;
• Foster long-lasting collaborative partnerships between individuals with wide-ranging expertise from both academia and industry.

Session topics:
• Microbial Interactions with Therapeutics
• Biosynthesis of Small Molecules and Drug Discovery
• Computational Approaches to Understanding Microbial Metabolism and Biosynthesis
• Impacts on Host Health and Disease
• Engineering Microbiomes
• Therapeutics Approaches to Manipulating the Microbiome
• Host-Microbial Interactions
• Unintended Consequences of Antibiotic Use
plus a workshop on late-breaking topics

Organization: Keystone Symposia on Molecular and Cellular Biology


(The Human Microbiome, courtesy of

(D1) Keystone Symposia: Exploiting and Understanding Chemical Biotransformations in the Human Microbiome

Tue, Apr 01, 2014 - Sun, Apr 06, 2014

Big Sky Resort

Big Sky, Montana, United States

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Tags: 2014, April, US, keystone symposia, Life Sciences, Conference, Genomics, Genetics, MO

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