Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

SBI2 West Coast Regional Meeting - High Content Imaging Symposium

Posted on Jan 14, 2014 11:43:00 AM

SBI2 West Coast Regional Meeting - High Content Imaging Symposium

One Day Scientific Symposium on High Content Imaging, Analysis, Screening & Image Cytometry with Short Course Introduction to HCS Assay Development - La Jolla, CA, United States

The Society of Biomolecular Imaging and Informatics (SBI2) is hosting a free one day scientific symposium on the application of automated microscopy computer-assisted image analysis technologies otherwise known as High Content Screening, High Content Imaging, High Content Analysis, and Image Cytometry. Please attend to hear more about how scientists from the local San Diego area and abroad are using this cutting edge research tool in their discovery programs to better understand biological processes and the mechanisms of action of prospective drug candidates for disease therapy. SBI2 will offer an introductory short course to describe the instrumentation and assay development strategies required for the successful implementation of this technology that will include two technology spotlight talks on fluorescent optics and fluorescent probes for use in cell based assays. The meeting is free to attend and lunch will be provided thanks to our sponsors.

Hosts: Mark Mercola, Ph.D., Jeffrey Price, M.D., Ph.D

Sponsoring Institution: Stanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute (

SBI2 logo

(Courtesy of the Society of Biomolecular Imaging and Informatics (SBI2) logo, via )

For more information, please visit:

Thursday, January 23, 2014 (08:00 - 17:30)

Stanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute

Sanford Children’s Health Research Center, Building 12 Auditorium, 10905

La Jolla, CA 92121, USA

Contact: Aleli Morse, Paul Johnston, Renate Schnitzer, Anthony Davies, Joe Trask  (

Phone: (858) 646-3100 x3726 or (919) 558-1200

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Tags: 2014, CA, Medical Research, Microscopy, USA, Research Meeting, Symposium, Imaging, January, Scientific, Life Sciences, Research, La Jolla

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