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EMBO Workshop on Plant Viruses: Green Viruses, from Gene to Landscape

Posted on Aug 27, 2013 11:53:00 PM

EMBO Workshop: 'Plant Viruses: Green Viruses, from Gene to Landscape'

Workshop - Hyères-les-Palmiers, France

Viruses can be both foes and friends, depending on their pathogenic or symbiotic nature, but also depending on the context of the infection, the physiological status of the host, or its ecological situation. The objectives of this EMBO Workshop are to promote and shape the common advances of the network of plant virologists towards a better comprehensive understanding of the impact that viruses of plants (and more generally of "green" organisms) have on their hosts and on ecosystems

To emphasize the diverse impacts that viruses have on their hosts at different scales, the program of this EMBO Workshop is organized into 6 sessions covering the whole continuum of biological integration levels: viral molecules structure and function, virus-host interactions at the molecular and cellular levels, trafficking in and between cells, host colonization process and host defense mechanisms, viral evolution and population dynamics, host-to-host transmission by vectors, molecular epidemiology and ecology.

The six sessions are:

Translation, Replication and Recombination

Intra- and inter-host movement

RNA silencing

Resistance mechanisms other than silencing

Epidemiology, population genetics and evolution

Molecular ecology


(Stock Photo — Green virus, via

EMBO Workshop: 'Plant Viruses: Green Viruses, from Gene to Landscape'

Sat, Sep 07, 2013 - Wed, Sep 11, 2013

Club Belambra "Les criques", Hyères-les-Palmiers, France

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Tags: 2013, Plant science, September, France, Molecular Cell Biology, Molecular Biology, Life Sciences, Genetics

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