Life Science Company and Industry News Briefs

Popular 5 Star Program Helps Lab Reps Be Better Sales Professionals

Posted by BCI Staff on Mon, Oct 29, 2012

Biotechnology Calendar Inc's popular 5 star program is gaining traction as a tool that lab supply companies can use to recognize excellence in salesmanship for their tradeshow representives. The concept for this program is simple, we look for a company and a exhibitor with qualities that facilitate how researchers learn about new technologies. The goal being, to have company exhibitors who are friendly, proactive, and skilled in educating their target audience. This is crucial because researchers can be often be reluctant to make the first step at life science tradeshows. What we look for in a 5 star award winner is:

    • Start-to-finish interactive presence
    • Effective visually attractive table display
    • Accessible engaging booth staff
    • Popularity with researcher-attendees
    • Sales professionalism

 5 star lab vendorsIn many instances, life science managers are really excited when one of their reps earns a 5 Star Award. In fact, the reps are often honored by their own company for receiving our award. We've heard of companies rewarding their reps with time off, travel, announcements in company news letters, and other perks.

Even the Reps are taking notice of who wins, and why they are winning. They are looking at the behaviors exemplified by the winning reps and try to emulate them. In many cases, there is friendly banter between who won an award and why. At our events, we often have a difficult time picking one 5 star winner because so many of the company representives are professional, engaging, and enthusiastic.

As we mentioned in a previous 5 star blog:

We launched our 5-Star Program in 2011 as a way of acknowledging and rewarding the research lab equipment sales reps at our shows who go the extra mile to make the event a success by positively engaging researchers with attractive displays, equipment demonstrations, and of course their winning professional demeanor. We take note of the vendor tables that draw in the most research attendees, who stays to the very end, and which companies are most effectively driving their product message home through their overall approach.

Popular program

At the end of each show, we award one lab equipment rep and his/her company the 5-Star designation for that event. With the award we recognize the winner with: an engraved plaque, an email announcement to all our vendors, a posting of the winner on our website, and in some instances a special blog article profiling the winner’s outstanding salesmanship and his/her company’s research lab equipment product(s).

5 star  winner Sarstedt

We have noticed that our 5 Star Program blogs and info pages are receiving increasing interest from all over the nation and are being used as a tool to recognize the very best in science sales professionalism.

At BCI, we take our role in advancing life science lab research seriously, and we know you do too. Together with your help, we will continue to draw large numbers of qualified researchers to our events who will leave educated and satisfied with their event experience. Their happiness will translate into stronger branding for the laboratory research companies that attend our events.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with our current winners and perhaps even challenge them at our next event!



 5 Star Program Biotechnology Calendar

5 Star program at Science product event

[Busy Shows are our Specialty]

See our nationwide show schedule

see sample of past 5 star winners here 


Tags: Life Science Product Marketing, Bio research Sale

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