Life Science Company and Industry News Briefs

A Laboratories Tour at University of Pittsburgh

Posted by Anita Zhang on Thu, Jun 05, 2014

Laboratory suppliers who are looking to connect with academic researchers and promote research products in Pittsburgh will want to take note of the cutting edge laboratories at the University of Pittsburgh.

This article provides valuable information about these life science laboratories and hopefully makes it easy for laboratory supply companies to network with them. Most of the information in this article has been cited from University of Pittsburgh website.

  • Center for Sports Medicine

The Center for Sports Medicine, located on Pittsburgh’s South Side, just a few miles from the UPitt campus, specializes in the treatment and prevention of sports-related injuries and offers sophisticated training programs to improve athletic performance. Research conducted by the center’s sports medicine specialists—including Pitt professors—helps to develop better methods of treating and preventing sports-related injuries and diseases.


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  • Center for Vaccine Research

This 32,000 square foot Center for Vaccine Research (CVR) is composed of the Vaccine Research Laboratory and the Regional Biocontainment Laboratory. The CVR engages a cross-section of scientists in infectious disease research. Activities span basic research on molecular mechanisms of infectious diseases to the development of diagnostics, therapeutics, and vaccines. The CVR supports interdisciplinary research efforts focused on emerging infections that threaten human health.


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Photo Courtesy of the University of Pittsburgh

  • Drug Discovery Institute

The process of drug discovery and development has undergone a dramatic transformation over the last decade, driven by multiple forces coming from the pharmaceutical/biotechnology industries, government funding agencies, academic programs, and life sciences and diagnostics companies. There is now a mutually beneficial environment where more collaboration is possible between these entities that will accelerate innovations and improvements in the efficiency of developing therapeutics.


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Photo Courtesy of the University of Pittsburgh

  • McGowan Institute for Regenerative Medicine

The McGowan Institute for Regenerative Medicine is a facility of both the University of Pittsburgh and UPMC that serves as a single base of operations for leading scientists and clinical faculty working in the areas of tissue engineering, cellular therapies, and artificial and biohybrid organ devices.


 UPitt lab vendor shows

Photo Courtesy of the University of Pittsburgh

  • Neuromuscular Research Laboratory 

The Neuromuscular Research Laboratory (NMRL) is the applied research facility of the School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, Department of Sports Medicine and Nutrition, located on Pittsburgh's South Side.

Research is conducted in the areas related to joint injury where the objective has been to study profiles of an individual's function by evaluating both the sensory and motor characteristics specific to musculoskeletal injury and pathology. Deficiencies in body mechanics and muscle function are used to develop programs to improve performance and minimize potential for injury.

The laboratory houses three separate motion analysis systems for specific task and sport analyses with defined areas for sports physiology, postural stability, and strength assessments.


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Photo Courtesy of the University of Pittsburgh

  • Translational Medicine

At the University of Pittsburgh, important laboratory work to bring basic research to hospital bedsides occurs in many labs across the schools of the health sciences. Researchers from Translational Medicine Laboratory analyze human organs to improve transplantation success.


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Photo Courtesy of the University of Pittsburgh

Biotechnology Calendar, Inc. helps laboratory supply companies network with researchers from these laboratories at the University of Pittsburgh at the BioResearch Product Faire™ Event on June 12th 2014 . 

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Biotechnology Calendar, Inc. has been producing on-campus vendor showcases for more than twenty years. We plan and promote the best research tools and equipments for academic researchers at each BioResearch Product Faire™ Event.

If you are a laboratory supply company and would like the opportunity to promote your products and services at the 15th Annual BioResearch Product Faire™ Event at the UPitt Campus on  June 12th 2014, please click the button below.



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University of Pittsburgh Event


Biotechnology Calendar, Inc. is bringing nearly 60 BioResearch Product Faire™ Events and the Biotechnology Vendor showcase™ Events in 2014. For more information about different events at different institutions across the nation, please read our National Show Schedule for 2014




Tags: 2014, University of Pittsburgh, UPITT

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