Life Science Company and Industry News Briefs

Market Lab Products at Emory University

Posted by Jennifer Nieuwkerk on Thu, Oct 10, 2013

Lab suppliers working to meet researchers and market lab products in Georgia may find it beneficial to exhibit at Biotechnology Calendar, Inc. Georgia life science marketing events. Our Atlanta BioResearch Product Faire™ Event will be held on February 27th, 2014. Last year, our Atlanta BioResearch Product Faire™ Event attracted 213 attendees. Of those who attended, 58 were purchasing agents, professors and post docs, and 30 were lab managers. The visitors came from 34 different research buildings and 55 departments across campus.

Exhibitors at our life science marketing events enjoy the benefits of an engaged, receptive target audience. We advertises our shows on the university campuses at which we hold shows to ensure that researchers, lab managers and purchasing agents know ahead of time that there will be an opportunity for them to socialize with others in their field, discuss their latest research, learn about more economically attractive and time-saving lab equipment, and enjoy a free, catered lunch. Our brand is well-known, and we make strategic connections at top universities nationwide. This ensures that the audience attending our shows already have a positive perception of the companies who exhibit there and will be open to talking with those working to market lab products.


Life science marketing events in Georgia

Atlanta BioResearch Product Faire™ Event 2013


At the end of every show, we make available high quality leads lists that include the names and contact information of hundreds of attendees, including researchers, lab managers and purchasing agents. We check our lists to make sure the contact information is correct, and then we double-check that information to save you time when reaching out to leads. These lists are valuable for lab suppliers working to meet researchers. Perhaps you will meet a potential customer at our Atlanta BioResearch Product Faire™ Event, but in the hustle and bustle of the crowd, you aren’t able to get the researcher’s contact information. You may remember his or her name and what department he or she works in. By using our leads list, you’ll be able to follow up with the researcher you spoke with, and show them that you valued your conversation and want to help them find the right piece of equipment that will help save them time, money or waste. Researchers will value your follow-up, and you have a much greater chance of making a sale.

Emory University is a well-funded school for lab suppliers to market lab products and meet researchers at, especially when given recent NSF and NIH research funding statistics. In 2012, the NSF awarded the university $10.6 million of research funding. In addition to receiving these awards, Emory University was also awarded $263.6 million in funding from the NIH. For more detailed funding information, including a list of the top-funded life science departments receiving funding from the NIH, please read our article Emory University Receives $274.2M in Research Funding.


Life science marketing events in Georgia

Atlanta BioResearch Product Faire™ Event 2013


If you are a lab supplier working to meet researchers and market lab products at Emory University, Biotechnology Calendar, Inc. invites you to attend our Atlanta BioResearch Product Faire™ Event on February 27th, 2014. Biotechnology Calendar, Inc. is a full-service science research marketing and events-planning company that organizes trade shows at top research institutions across the country. Don’t miss out on getting to know the Emory University market! If you are interested in getting to know another laboratory sales market closer to home, we encourage you to view our 2013 calendar of events. For more information on Emory University funding statistics, or to learn more about the Atlanta BioResearch Product Faire™ Event, click on the button below.

Tags: Emory University, 2013, Georgia, Emory, Atlanta

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