Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events
Tags: September, Lisbon, Portugal, Life Sciences, Current Science Meetings and Events, 2018, Clinical Pediatrics, September 2018, Pediatrics Healthcare, Pediatrics Nursing
Spotlight on Science Meetings, Conferences and Events brings you information on the following: International Conference on Pediatrics Health
Pediatrics Health 2018 is an extraordinary event which brings together a unique and international mix of large and medium companies, leading universities, research institutions and hospitals in the field of Pediatrics. Pediatrics Health 2018 aims to promote continuous medical education and encourage a nourishing exchange of facts and ideas about Health of Infants and Children. The conference gathering incorporates keynote addresses, board discourses, workshops, symposiums, board dialogs, notice presentations, youthful scientist discussions.
Tags: August, Pediatrics, Spain, Madrid, Life Sciences, Current Science Meetings and Events, 2018, August 2018, Clinical Pediatrics, Pediatrics Healthcare
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