Course - Heidelberg, Germany
This course is aimed at Technicians and Scientists interested in microinjection into adherent cells that have basic experience with cell culture and microscopy.
Course - Heidelberg, Germany
This course is aimed at Technicians and Scientists interested in microinjection into adherent cells that have basic experience with cell culture and microscopy.
Tags: 2013, cell biology, animal science, April, germany, Heidelberg, Life Sciences, current science events, laboratory
Tags: 2013, genomic research, April, germany, Heidelberg, Life Sciences, Genetics, Research, laboratory
Tags: 2013, RNA research, April, germany, Heidelberg, Life Sciences, laboratory
Tags: 2013, Biotechnology Current Events, March, germany, Life Sciences, Conference, Biotechnology, Drug Development
Tags: 2013, current technology event, scientific research, germany, May, Symposium, Berlin, Drug Development
Tags: 2013, November, cell biology, DNA Sequencing, germany, Symposium, Heidelberg, biology research, Philadelphia, Life Sciences
Tags: 2013, November, germany, Heidelberg, biology research, life science research, Conference, Genomics
Tags: 2013, RNA research, cell biology, March, germany, Heidelberg, life science research, Life Sciences, current science events, laboratory
Tags: 2013, Stem Cells, November, cell biology, animal science, germany, Heidelberg, Engineering, Conference, Genomics, Life Science
Tags: 2013, September, germany, Hamburg, biology research, Life Sciences, Conference, laboratory, Life Science Event