Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events
Tags: 2013, Physiology, germany, May, Heidelberg, biology research, Health Science, Conference, Life Science
Tags: 2013, germany, Development, May, Berlin, Pediatric Research, Life Sciences, Drug Development
Tags: 2013, biomedical research, Optics, Microscopy, germany, May, Biophysics, Munich, Life Sciences, Conference
Course - Berlin, Germany
Transferring an analytical method from one laboratory to another should be straightforward but unfortunately it is a process which is often problematic.
Tags: 2013, chemistry research, germany, May, Chemical Sciences, Berlin, laboratory
Tags: 2013, Biotechnology Current Events, germany, Development, May, Duesseldorf, Conference, Biotechnology, current technology events, Life Science
Tags: 2013, germany, May, Symposium, Berlin, Health Science, Research, current science events, Life Science
Tags: 2013, Biotech Event, germany, Development, October, Berlin, Conference, biotech industry, biotech, innovative solutions
Tags: 2013, Stem Cells, Medical Research, germany, October, Life Sciences, Conference, Genetics
Tags: 2013, cell biology, flow cytometry, Cell Research, germany, May, Cologne, Life Sciences, research laboratories