Course - Heidelberg, Germany
This course is aimed at Technicians and Scientists interested in the generation of transgenic animals. Participants should have basic experience with eukaryotic cells and microscopy.
Course - Heidelberg, Germany
This course is aimed at Technicians and Scientists interested in the generation of transgenic animals. Participants should have basic experience with eukaryotic cells and microscopy.
Tags: 2014, cell biology, Microscopy, animal science, September, germany, Heidelberg, Life Sciences, laboratory
Conference - Munich, Germany
Our second, high-impact conference brings together international top leaders in the field of diabetes to facilitate the identification of, and potential solutions to, the preeminent scientific challenges facing the prevention and treatment of type 2 diabetes.
Tags: 2014, Diabetes, Medicine, September, germany, Munich, Life Sciences, Conference
Conference - Frankfurt, Germany
The aim of this event is to follow the changing landscape of the pharmacovigilance legislation and to deliver practical knowledge to the industry.
Tags: Pharmacology, Biochemistry, germany, Chemistry, January, 2015, Frankfurt, Conference, Biotechnology
Conference - Berlin, Germany
The 10th International conference on Bone/Body Morphogenetic Proteins (BMPs) will present the latest research of the impact of BMPs on organ homeostasis, tissue regeneration and development of diseases.
Tags: 2014, Biochemistry, September, germany, Biological Chemistry, Berlin, Proteins, Life Sciences, Conference
Course - Heidelberg, Germany
The analysis of transcripts in minute samples is often used to increase the knowledge in a plethora of research fields.
Tags: 2014, September, Molecular Cell Biology, Molecular Biology, germany, Heidelberg, Life Sciences, Genetics
Symposium - Potsdam, Germany
The symposium aims to bring together the scientific communities working in one-dimensional electronic transport, molecular electronics and synthetic molecular machines. The emphasis is on the physical aspects of these subjects with an equal mix of theory and experiment.
Tags: 2014, nanotechnology, Physics, September, germany, Symposium
Course - Heidelberg, Germany
The objective of this course is to introduce effective methods for doing research in the field of systems biology.
Tags: 2014, Microscopy, September, Systems Biology, germany, Heidelberg, Biophysics, Life Sciences
Conference - Berlin, Germany
Informa life Sciences Analytical Method Development, Validation and Transfer is a dedicated forum focusing solely on new method development, validation and transfer for pharmaceutical and generics manufacturers.
Tags: 2014, September, germany, Development, Quality Control, Chemical Sciences, Chemistry, Berlin, Health Science, Conference
Course - Hamburg, Germany
This intensive EMBO Practical Course is dedicated to modern methods in sample preparation and characterization of proteins for structural studies.
Tags: 2014, Protein Research, September, Molecular Cell Biology, Molecular Biology, Protein, germany, Hamburg, Life Sciences
Conference - Berlin, Germany
Build an action plan for your major challenges
Find out why companies are moving away from diversification
Tags: 2014, Pharmacology, germany, pharmaceutical, October, Berlin, Pharmacy, Health Science, Conference