Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

The Second International Horticulture Research Conference

Posted on Aug 7, 2015 2:50:00 AM

Conference - Davis, United States
On behalf of the local organizing and scientific committees, we cordially invite you to attend the Second International Horticulture Research Conference which will be held at the UC Davis Conference Center October 29-November 1, 2015 on the campus of the University of California, Davis, USA. The conference will be hosted by Horticulture Research (, the journal jointly published by Nanjing Agricultural University and the Nature Publishing Group, by the USDA-ARS, Crops Pathology & Genetic Research Unit at UC-Davis  (  and by the Department of Plant Sciences, UC-Davis ( The purpose of the conference is to bring together international researchers conducting basic research on horticultural crops, to showcase the latest research findings, to network with colleagues from around the world, and to meet the journal’s Editor-in-Chief and some of the Associate Editors. The conference will be featured with keynote speakers within as well as outside of the horticultural fields, invited and general presentations, posters. Postdoc/Graduate poster awards will also be given.
Organization: Horticulture Research
Thu, Oct 29, 2015 - Mon, Nov 02, 2015
UC Davis Conference Center
Davis, United States
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Tags: November, University of California Davis, Bioinformatics, Plant science, United States, Research Conference, Evolution and Ecology, October, 2015, Life Sciences, Genomics, Genetics, Biotechnology, Ecology, Davis, UC Davis, Plant Biology

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