Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

Optical Imaging and Electrophysiological Methods in Neuroscience

Posted on May 29, 2013 1:42:00 AM


Workshop - Paris, France

This Spring School gives a unique opportunity to 19 selected students to attend conferences and workshops offered by experts of high-end techniques on very specific optical research subjects:Photophysics and photochemistry of fluorophores, Light sources and lasers for fluorescence excitation, Conventional and confocal microscopy, CCD cameras, Patch clamp and extracellular recording. Multi-electrode arrays. ln vivo electrical recording, Data analysis and image analysis, Two-photon confocal and other non-linear microscopy, Fluorescent indicators for calcium and other ions and membrane potential, Adaptive optics in microscopy, Photolysis, Brain slice and ln vivo imaging, Viral transfection of genetically encoded markers and indicators.

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Tuesday, June 18, 2013 to Friday, June 28, 2013

Labo Physiologie Cerebrale Universite Paris Descartes 45 Rue des Saints Peres Paris 75006, Paris, France

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Tags: 2013, June, Optics, Microscopy, University Research, Physiology, France, Paris, Neuroscience, Life Sciences, Research

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