Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

Polycystic Kidney Disease: Challenges, Differing Viewpoints and Ways Forward

Posted on May 22, 2017 3:00:00 PM

Spotlight on Science Meetings, Conferences and Events brings you information on the following event: Polycystic Kidney Disease: Challenges, Differing Viewpoints and Ways Forward

 This SRC focuses on the autosomal dominant (ADPKD) and recessive (ARPKD) forms of PKD, autosomal dominant polycystic liver diseases with mild or no kidney involvement (ADPLD) and syndromic forms of PKD caused by mutations in genes encoding for proteins in the primary cilium (ciliopathies). This SRC will bring together investigators from a wide range of different research areas sharing an interest on PKD and other renal cystic diseases and ciliopathies and promote cross disciplinary discussion and collaboration. The specific goals are to assemble an interdisciplinary program of basic scientists and clinical researchers that are at the forefront of PKD research to provide a comprehensive update on recent advances in PKD and provide a format where trainees and junior investigators can present, discuss and learn, with the goal of exciting them about PKD and inspiring them to become the next generation of PKD researchers. This SRC will generatea platform for informed discussion to help resolve unanswered questions in PKD and promote collaboration and promote the development of novel therapies for PKD by juxtaposing basic scientists, clinical investigators and representations of the pharmaceutical industry. The program consists of oral presentation and poster sessions, a keynote address on Genome Editing for Monogenic Diseases and a special lecture on the Regulatory Path to Drug Approval in Inherited Slowly Progressive Renal Diseases. Oral presentation sessions are structured around themes such as Genetic mechanisms, Cell biology of PKD proteins, extracellular vesicles and cilia, Epigenetics and microRNAs, Cilia, calcium, and cAMP signaling, Other pathways and model systems, Disease mechanisms in other tissues and organs, Cell metabolism and metabolomics, and Biomarkers and clinical trials. A session will be marked for late breaking abstracts. Particular attention in the organization of this SRC is given to including new speakers and speakers from related fields, widening the knowledge of PKD investigators, promoting networking of young investigators with established investigators, and supporting the participation of woman scientists, individuals from underrepresented minorities, and researchers with disabilities. Abstracts selected for oral presentation will be nominated for travel awards to help finance registration and travel expenses. Young scientists will be encouraged to participate in a "Meet the Expert" session and a Career-Oriented Workshop.

June 25th, 2017 -  June 30th, 2017

Big Sky Resort, Big Sky, Montana, 59716


Tags: June, USA, Big Sky, Life Sciences, Science Meetings, Polycystic Kidney Disease, 2017, Current Science Meetings and Events, June 2017, Montana, Renal Cystic Diseases, PKD, Ciliopathies

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