Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

BACR Special Meeting Development of Cancer Medicines

Posted on Nov 22, 2014 7:41:16 AM

Conference - London, United Kingdom
From Target to Disease: Modelling Stratified Approaches in Oncology
The British Association for Cancer Research (BACR) has held a successful series of one-day conferences focused upon the preclinical modelling of cancer disease and therapeutic response. We believe this to be an important area of translational research, which brings together a spectrum of researchers working in academia, industry and the clinical sciences.
The fifth meeting in the biennial series is scheduled for Thursday 27th November 2014 and is entitled "From target to disease: modelling stratified approaches in oncology". Through this we plan to assess the latest use of in vitro and in vivo cancer models to help identify new targets, define the response to novel therapeutic agents, develop patient selection hypotheses, and where possible to examine the translatability of such data to the clinic. We will also conclude with an example of the issues involved in employing stratified cancer therapies in clinical practice
Organization: British Association for Cancer Research
Thu, Nov 27, 2014 - Thu, Nov 27, 2014
Royal Society Medicine
Wimpole Street, London, United Kingdom
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Tags: 2014, November, cancer research, United Kingdom, Cancer, Medicine, Research Meeting, Development, London, Researh Meeting UK, Conference, Life Science

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