Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

Chromatin Structure and Function - Wellcome Trust 2015 Course

Posted on Aug 5, 2015 2:59:00 AM

Course - Cambridge, United Kingdom
This popular course will provide training in the experimental and computational approaches that can be used to mechanistically dissect important aspects of chromatin biology at the gene or genome-wide levels.
Our understanding of complex genomes has benefitted tremendously from whole genome sequencing projects. However, we are only beginning to systematically understand how the interplay of DNA, proteins and its biochemical modifications (i.e., chromatin) can influence global processes which control gene expression, mRNA splicing, and DNA replication or repair in normal development and in disease.
Participants will receive intensive laboratory and computational training in state-of-the-art approaches focussed across five broad themes:
  • DNA/transcription factor interactions
  • DNA methylation
  • Histone dynamics and modifications
  • Chromatin accessibility, looping and nuclear organisation
  • Computational analysis/integration of chromatin datasets
These sessions will be supplemented with informal tutorials and lectures from the instructors and distinguished invited speakers (TBA shortly). Participants will analyse the various genome-wide data generated in parallel to or during the laboratory sessions. They will also have an opportunity to discuss their own research interests and present aspects of their work that are relevant to the course.
Organization: Wellcome Trust
Mon, Oct 26, 2015 - Wed, Nov 04, 2015
Wellcome Trust Genome Campus
Cambridge, United Kingdom
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Tags: November, Bioinformatics, Microbiology, United Kingdom, Biology, Molecular Cell Biology, Molecular Biology, October, 2015, research course, Life Sciences, Cambridge, Genetics

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