Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

BCVS: Basic Cardiovascular Sciences Annual 2017 Scientific Sessions

Posted on Jun 6, 2017 7:00:00 AM

Spotlight on Science Meetings, Conferences and Events brings you information on the following event: BCVS: Basic Cardiovascular Sciences Annual 2017 Scientific Sessions

This conference strives to improve basic cardiovascular regulation through new therapies and insights in cardiovascular disease, as well as research in fields like microRNAs, cardiac gene and cell therapy, cardiac development, as well as tissue engineering and iPS cells. 
BCVS 2017 convenes basic and translational cardiovascular scientists from around the world with the common goal to discover pathways to cardiovascular therapeutics and promoting cardiovascular health. This meeting has become the “go to” meeting for intra- and interdisciplinary cross-fertilization of ideas and incorporation of new approaches from the general scientific community and plays a pivotal role in the training of junior scientists and trainees.

The program will be of special interest to basic cardiovascular scientists, molecular/ cellular biologists, physiologists, translational investigators, clinical trialists, practicing cardiologists, cardiovascular nurses and pharmacists. In addition, the symposium will be of great value to scientists and executives of pharmaceutical companies and biotechnology firms who are in the cardiovascular space.

Conference Highlights

  • Early Career Sessions: “Next Best Thing” in Cardiovascular Research; Mock Study Section; Development of a Successful Academic Career
  • Women in Science Breakfast 
  • Poster Sessions 
  • Oral Abstracts 
  • Workshops: Emerging Omic Technologies: Bringing a New Edge to Your Science; Interacting with Big Data: Its Impact on Our Science; Integrating Omics and Bioinformatics into your Research
  • Concurrent Sessions, including: Cardioprotection and Oxidative Stress; Novel Approaches to the Study of Cardiac Signaling and Comparmentation; Mitochondrion and Heart Failure; Gene Therapy and Novel Cardiac Therapeutics; Ethics, Open Science, Reproducibility, Unconscious Bias and All That Jazz
  • Plenary Sessions: What will be the “Next Best Thing” in Cardiovascular and Stroke Research over the Next 20 Years?; Basic Science and Precision Medicine – the Interface; Novel Cardiac Regulatory Mechanisms
  • Keynote Lecture: Calum MacRae, MD, PhD

Hilton Portland & Executive Tower

Portland, OR

Monday, July 10, 2017 to Thursday, July 13, 2017

Tags: cardiovascular research, Oregon, July, Genetics, Portland, Cell therapy, 2017, Current Science Meetings and Events, July 2017

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