Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

Antibodies as Drugs: Immunological Scaffolds as Therapeutics

Posted on Jan 1, 2015 8:05:43 AM

Conference - Banff, Canada
While monoclonal antibodies are now an established class of drugs in oncology and inflammation, exciting progress has been recently made on next generation, engineered therapeutic antibodies and alternative immunological scaffolds, with first examples from this class being recently approved by FDA and EMA. This symposium will review progress in this area including lessons learned in the clinic and how this can be applied to new targets and drug candidates.
Sun, Feb 08, 2015 - Fri, Feb 13, 2015
Fairmont Banff Springs
Banff, Canada
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Tags: cancer research, infectious diseases, Immunology, Cancer Treatment, Cancer, Canada, Symposium, 2015, February, Biomedical Engineering, keystone symposia, Health Science, Life Sciences, Conference

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