Do you sell life science supplies and equipment to university researchers?
Is Johns Hopkins University's 2 Billion Dollar marketplace with in your sales territory?
Meet in person with active researchers at Johns Hopkins University. Educate these researchers on your products and services while you discover their needs, help them find solutions, and build lasting relationships.
Key Stats:
- 2018 Total R&D Expenditures: $2,661,033,000
- Ranked 1st for Total R&D Expenditures
- 2018 Life Science R&D Expenditures: $991,451,000
- 2019 NIH Funding: $763,565,791
Johns Hopkins University has received $7.3 Million for The Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center dedicated to cancer research, education and training, and care.
Johns Hopkins University has received $5.2 Million for the continuation of the National Health and Aging Trend Study, aiming to promote scientific inquiry into late-life disability trends and dynamics.
Demonstrate Your Research Products at the Spring Johns Hopkins Event
We invite you to be a part of our the upcoming Biotechnology Vendor Showcase™ Event at Johns Hopkins University.
Fast Facts for JHU:
- Ranked 1st for Total R&D Expenditures
- Recent Life Science R&D Expenditures: $991,451,000
- Recent NIH Funding: $763,565,791
Get more in information by clicking the link below:
Johns Hopkins Get More Info Link
Would you like to meet in person with active researchers in the Johns Hopkins University lab product sales event?
……“great leads … I am wowed by how great.”
……“of the 20 people that were most interested, 5 were very, very relevant … expect this to be one of my most profitable events this year…
…”it such a great market to finally be able to tap into. Thank you for getting us here”
Participate in the John's Hopkins Research Marketplace at the
BioResearch Product Faire™ Event March 13, 2020
We invite you to come and network with Johns Hopkins Researchers.
Looking for other university research market events for easy lab product sales? Click below:
Sell More Lab Equipment in 2020
Or Call 530-272-6675