Science Market Update

Boulder BioResearch Update:  Congrats to New $8M HHMI Investigator

Posted by BCI Staff on Fri, Jun 08, 2018

UC Boulder is a leading US research campus with more than 90 research centers, institutes and laboratories focusing on fields ranging from astrobiology to pharmaceutical biotechnology.  This year UC Colorado boasts a new HHMI investigator - Gia Voeltz.

Voeltz, a cellular cartographer, has been looking looking more closely at the ER and is finding its is more like a lacey, vibrating coral, spread out across the cell membrane with organelles clinging to it “like ornaments on a tree.” than separate organelles as once thought.

“Instead of having isolated organelles in the cell, you have them all tethered to and communicating through the ER,” she explains. “Everyone thought they knew what the ER did, but it turns out it does a lot more than we thought.”

For her out of the box thinking,  Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) this week named her as one of its newest investigators, granting her an $8 million, seven year grant.


Other  Boulder Stats:

2,000+ undergraduates directly involved in research

#1 public university recipient of NASA research 

650 faculty and students involved in interdisciplinary bioscience research

Top 3% worldwide for scholarly research citations

Boulder News Articles:

Twenty CU-Boulder Doctoral Programs in Top 20 or Top 20 Percent In National Research Council Study
A number of the University of Colorado at Boulder's doctoral programs, including those in geography, aerospace engineering sciences, integrative physiology, and astrophysical and planetary sciences, were highly rated in a report released today by the National Research Council, or NRC.

New CU-Boulder facility to be used to tackle challenges ranging from cancer and tissue engineering to new biofuels

A revolutionary research and teaching facility opening at the University of Colorado Boulder will facilitate work on a wide swath of pressing societal challenges ranging from biomedical issues like cancer, heart disease and tissue engineering to the development of new biofuels.

CU-Boulder graduate programs earn national ranking

Graduate programs at the University of Colorado Boulder continue to earn national prominence based on the latest annual rankings from U.S. News & World Report. CU-Boulder schools and programs garnered 25 mentions in the 2012 edition of Best Graduate Schools, including five ranked in the top 10 of their fields.

The BioResearch Product Faire™ Event at
The University of Colorado, Boulder

 See more Lab Equipment Customers in a Well Funded Research Marketplace UC Boulder has more than 90 research centers, institutes and laboratories focusing on fields ranging from astrobiology to pharmaceutical biotechnology.

Key Stats:

  • 2016 Life Science R & D Expenditures: $29,536,000.
  • The CU regents recently approved plans for a $82.5 million aerospace building at Boulder. The building is expected to be completed in 2019. 
  • CU Boulder was awarded $24 million by the National Science Foundation (NSF) to launch a new center, The Science and Technology Center on Real-Time Functional Imaging.
  • A team led by CU Boulder investigators has received a $7.5 million grant to study how gut microbes in humans and animals are affected by stressors like sleep deprivation and circadian clock issues.


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