Can your company benefit from meeting Chicago Area researchers looking for new lab research tools and equipment?
$775M represents the R&D spending strength of Chicago s two major medical schools. Allow yourself to become involved with the Windy City s surge into future scientific discoveries.
Biotechnology Calendar, Inc. is hosting two scientific marketing events this September to help researchers gain access to the latest tools and services.
U of Chicago BioResearch Product Faire
- $421M spent on research and development.
- Ludwig Cancer Research gifted $90 million to the University of Chicago for research on cancer metastasis.
University of Illinois, Chicago BioResearch Product Faire 9/28/2017
- $354M spent on research and development.
- The University of Illinois, Chicago is in the process of building a new $104 million Advanced Chemical Technology Building
If you would like a fast and easy way to connect with well-funded researchers, call today to reserve your space. Securing your space at these shows this weekwill allow your company to $500 off the cost of the two events.
Looking for other area scientific product events? See our remaining 2017 show schedule : click below: