Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

Microscopy & Microanalysis 2013 Meeting

Posted on Jul 24, 2013 4:05:00 AM

Microscopy & Microanalysis 2013 Meeting

Conference, Meeting, Exhibition, Symposium - Indianapolis, IN, United States

The annual M&M meeting continues to be the premier meeting for scientists, technologists, and students who use microscopy or microanalysis in their research, with 996 papers presented in 2012.

The Program Committee for 2013 has put together an outstanding scientific program that features the latest advances in the biological and physical sciences, techniques and instrumentation. Complementing the program is one of the largest exhibitions of microscopy and microanalysis instrumentation and resources in the world, attracting well over 100 companies. Educational opportunities include a variety of Sunday short courses, tutorials, evening vendor tutorials, pre-meeting workshops, and in-week intensive workshops. The Opening Reception offers an opportunity to meet new people in the field and renew old acquaintances, and the Monday morning Plenary session features showcase talks from outstanding researchers as well as recognition of the major Society and Meeting award winners. There will be other important awards conferred during the meeting, including daily poster awards to highlight the best student posters in instrumentation & techniques, biological applications of microscopy & microanalysis, and physical applications of microscopy & microanalysis.


(Courtesy of Microscopy & Microanalysis 2013 Meeting's logo, via

Microscopy & Microanalysis 2013 — Microanalysis Society

4–8 August 2013

Indiana Convention Center, Indianapolis, United States

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Tags: 2013, current technology event, science current events, Photonics, Optics, Microbiology, Microscopy, Pharmacology, Physics, August, US, Molecular Biology, Chemistry, Indianapolis, IN, Neuroscience, Engineering, Life Science

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