Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

Frontiers and Techniques in Plant Science Course

Posted on Jun 26, 2013 8:12:00 AM

Frontiers and Techniques in Plant Science

Course - Cold Spring Harbor, United States

This course provides an intensive overview of topics in plant physiology, biochemistry and development, focusing on genomic, analytical, computational and other high throughput approaches to understanding plant biology. It emphasizes recent results from model organisms including Arabidopsis, maize and tomato as well as a variety of other plants and provides an introduction to current methods used in basic and applied plant biology. It is designed for scientists with some experience in molecular techniques or in plant biology who wish to work with plants using the latest molecular, genomic, and computational technologies. The course consists of a vigorous lecture series, a hands-on laboratory, and informal discussions. The instructors and a stellar group of invited speakers, acknowledged leaders in their fields, will present up-to-the-moment research on a wide range of topics in plant research.


(Courtesy of Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, US, via

Frontiers and Techniques in Plant Science

Fri, Jun 28, 2013 - Thu, Jul 18, 2013

CSHL Campus, Cold Spring Harbor, United States

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Tags: 2013, June, Biochemistry, Plant science, July, US, Cold Spring Harbor, Life Sciences, laboratory, research laboratories

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