Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

Charles River Surgical Technique Workshop

Posted on May 3, 2013 4:48:00 AM

Charles River Surgical Technique Workshop

Workshop - Wilmington, MA, United States

This workshop is geared towards beginner to moderately skilled surgeons and combines didactic and hands-on training in surgical techniques for the laboratory mouse or rat.

Students will learn the critical components required to perform survival rodent surgery, including aseptic technique, anesthesia and analgesia. The format of the workshop is such that the student-teacher ratio remains low and enables more direct participation and guidance.

This workshop is divided into two half-day sessions with each session focusing on a particular surgical procedure. This is a for fee workshop. Included in the fee are course materials, animal models, student manuals and lunch. Students have the option to register for one or both sessions.


(Courtesy of a laboratory mouse, via

2013 Surgical Technique Workshop - 2013 Surgical ... - Cvent

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Session 1:  8:00 am - 12:00 pm Jugular Vein Catheterization in Rats
Session 2:  12:30 pm - 4:30 pm Femoral Artery Catheterization in Rats

Charles River, 251 Ballardvale Street, Wilmington, Massachusetts 01887


Phone: 781 222-6000

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Tags: 2013, animal research, research mice, US, May, Wilmington, MA, laboratory, research laboratories

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