Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

Cell Symposia: Genes, Circuits and Behavior

Posted on Mar 28, 2013 2:12:00 PM

Cell Symposia: Genes, Circuits and Behavior

Symposium - Toronto, Canada

Join the Cell Press editors and 20 leaders in the field of neural circuits and behavioral genetics at the upcoming Cell Symposium on Genes, Circuits and Behavior to engage with scientists presenting cutting edge results on circuitry and behavior across model organisms, providing a forum for examining how studies in invertebrate and vertebrates, using genetics and optogenetics, can inform and synergize with each other. The meeting will provide a number of networking opportunities with the speakers and with editors from Cell, Neuron, and Current Biology. We are also delighted to welcome Sydney Brenner as our special guest. Professor Brenner is one of the luminaries of molecular biology and one of the founders of behavior genetics, and will, along with the other speakers be present at the


(Courtesy of logo of Cell Symposia: Genes, Circuits & Behavior, via

Cell Symposia: Genes, Circuits and Behavior

June 2, 2013 - June 4, 2013 (12.00 - 17.50)

Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel, Toronto, Canada

Contact: Miss Robyn Camilleri (

 Phone: +44 1865 843122

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Tags: 2013, June, Research Symposia, Cell Research, Canada, Symposium, Toronto, biology research, Neuroscience, Life Sciences, Genetics, Research, Life Science

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