Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

Life Sciences: Scientific Symposium on Tea & Human Health

Posted on Sep 17, 2012 12:43:00 AM

Fifth International Scientific Symposium on Tea & Human Health

Scientific Symposium - Washington, DC, United States

This hands-on workshop will cover lung mechanics and techniques for measuring function in mice and how mouse models may be used to study human pulmonary biology and disease. After an initial day of basic mouse genetics, nomenclature, caging and breeding strategies, anesthesia and surgical techniques, the workshop quickly focuses on models of lung disease, pathology, lung mechanics and imaging. Laboratory sessions covering airway responsiveness, airway hyper-responsiveness (AHR), lung volumes and PV curves, morphometry, sampling techniques and mouse lung pathology will be held in the afternoons.


Wed, Sep 19, 2012 - Wed, Sep 19, 2012

US Department of Agriculture, Washington, DC, United States

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Tags: Washington, 2012, Biochemistry, D.C., scientific research, US, September, Symposium, biology research, Life Sciences, Research, laboratory

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