Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

1st Malaysian Proteomics Research Conference

Posted on Sep 1, 2012 9:27:00 AM

1st Malaysian Proteomics Conference (MPC) 2012

 Conference - Penang, Malaysia

The scientific programme will aim to reflect innovations and current developments in proteomic technologies, alongside new applications in systems biology and life sciences. The objectives of the conference are: to bring together scientists interested in proteomics research, provide a platform for international discourse and networking, and to promote proteomics research in the region.

Proteomics transcends the frontiers from molecules to systems and is at the interface of biology, chemistry and physics. The proteomics community is thriving and expanding as new challenges emerge and universities across the nation are embracing these opportunities through interdisciplinary initiatives. INFORMM and Monash University Malaysia are the key drivers to initiate the 1st Malaysian Proteomics Conference, which is the first of its kind in Malaysia. The MPC 2012 will incorporate a scientific programme that reflects current developments and applications in proteomics, which will promote the national and international exchange of knowledge and research techniques with all pharmaceutical, biotech companies and leading universities, research institutions throughout the world.


(Courtesy of

 September 26 - 27, 2012

1 Solok Bayan Indah, Queens Bay, 11900 Bayan Lepas, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia

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Tags: chemical research, 2012, University Research, scientific research, September, Malaysia, biology research, Life Sciences, Conference, Research, biotech industry, biotech, research scientists

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