Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

Evolution Research: Gene Regulatory Networks in Animal Development

Posted on Aug 30, 2012 4:40:00 AM

The Evolution of Gene Regulatory Networks in Animal Development

Symposium - Vienna, Austria

We are pleased to welcome you to the final symposium of the Marie Curie Initial Training Network "EVONET" entitled "Evolution of Gene Regulatory Networks in Animal Development".

In this symposium, we seek to bring together a number of outstanding scientists in the fields of Evolutionary Biology, Systems Biology and Developmental Biology. Further, this workshop is intended to attract numerous young researchers in order to inspire them in their future research.

The organizing committee would like to cordially invite all interested students and researchers to register and participate in this symposium.


(Courtesy of

September 11 - 14, 2012

Institut Français de Vienne, Palais Clam-Gallas

Salon Rouge, Währinger Straße 30, A-1090 Wien

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Tags: animal research, evolution research, 2012, University Research, September, Development, Symposium, research conference vienna, evo devo research symposium, evolution symposium, Vienna, Austria, biology research, Research

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